Программатор PonyProg

03 августа 2010

Самый популярный программатор PonyProg поддерживает микросхемы:

Support 24C01, 24C02, 24C04, 24C08, 24C16 I?C Bus EEPROM

Support 24C32, 24C64, 24C65, 24C128, 24C256, 24C512 I?C Bus EEPROM

Auto detect 24XX EEPROM capacity

Support 24C325 and 24C645 I?C Bus EEPROM

Support Siemens SDE2516, SDE2526, SDA2546, SDA2586, SDA3546, SDA3586 EEPROM (as 24XX Auto)

Support AT17C65, AT17C128, AT17C256, AT17C512, AT17C010 I?C Bus EEPROM

Support Siemens SDE2506 EEPROM

Detect the bank roll over capability of some old 24XX EEPROM

Support AT90S1200, AT90S2313, AT90S2323, AT90S2343, AT90S4414, AT90S4434, AT90S8515, AT90S8535 Flash micro

Support AT90S2323, AT90S2343, AT90S2333, AT90S4433, AT90S4434, AT90S8535, AT90S8534

Auto detect AVR microcontroller type

Support the AVR microcontroller ATmega103, ATmega161, ATmega163, ATmega 323, ATmega128, ATmega8, ATmega16, ATmega64, ATmega32, ATmega162, ATmega169, ATmega8515, Atmega8535

Support the AVR ATmega44, 88, 168, 164, 324, 644, 640,1280, 1281, 2560, 2561 (untested)

Support the AVR AT90can32, 64, and 128 (untested)

Support the AVR ATtiny12, ATtiny15, ATtiny26, Attiny2313

Support the AVR ATtiny13, 25, 45, 85, 261, 461, and 861 (untested)

Read ATtiny12 and ATtiny15 Oscillator Calibration Byte

Write lock bits to protect the AVR micro from reading

Write both the Flash and EEPROM memory of the AVR micro at once

Support the AT89S8252 and AT89S53 micro

Support 93C06, 93C46, 93C56, 93C57, 93C66, 93C76, 93C86 Microwire EEPROM (C and LC series, the CS serie is not supported yet)

Support 93C13 (as a 93C06) and 93C14 (as a 93C46) Microwire EEPROM

Access microwire eeproms in either 8 and 16 bit organization

Improved support PIC 16C84/16F84 micro

Support PIC 16F873/874/876/877 and PIC 16F84A micro

Support PIC 16F873A/874A/876A/877A and PIC 16F627/628 micro (untested)

Support PIC 12C508/509 micro

Support PIC 12C671/672 micro (untested)

Support 25010, 25020, 25040 SPI EEPROM

Support 25080, 25160, 25320, 25640, 25128, 25256 Big SPI EEPROM

Support 25642 and 95640 Big SPI EEPROM

Support NVM3060 eeprom

Support MDA2061/MDA2062 eeprom

Support X2444/X2445 eeprom

Support S24H30 (untested)

Read/Write Intel hex format file as well as raw binary file

Read/Write Motorola S-record format file

Read/Write CSM format file

Features a custom E?P format file to store the EEPROM characteristics, an editable comment and memory content all together with CRC

Enhanced buffer edit, text and hexadecimal

Work with Windows95/98/ME and WindowsNT/2000/XP and Linux*

Reload file button

Fill buffer command

Security bits editing for AVR, AT89S and PIC

Serial number programming

Script files for batch programming

Improved speed with WinNT/2000/XP with a driver for direct I/O.

Скачать софт: http://www.sovets.ru/accel/content/arc/7367_PonyProg_V207c.zip

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